Sunday, 8 March 2015

Biopolymers Summit 2022

About Conference

Welcome summon

Our conferences is giving a warm summon to you to the “9TH International Congress” on the theme of “Biopolymers Summit 2022” to be held on March 21-22; 2022 at London, UK.The source represents why is the Bio-based polymers are materials which are produced from renewable resources. Why??The global bio plastics & biopolymers market size is projected to grow from USD 10.7 billion in 2021 to USD 29.7 billion by 2026, at a CAGR of 22.7% between 2021 and 2026


About conference

We remembrances each solitary of your presence to the “9th International Congress on Biopolymers & Bio plastics, to be conducted on March 21-22; 2022 at London, UK. This topic will help people directly or indirectly related to biopolymers.

We look to the fascinating gatherings young scientific benefits, speakers, expertise, universities, agriculture, problem solving’s, oral and poster presentation, furthermore incorporates shifted workshops guided by famous agents.

Conference Highlights

      Special Issues

      •  All accepted abstracts will be published in respective OMICS   International Journals.
      •  Abstracts will be provided with Digital Object Identifier by Cross Ref.